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Gel to replicate transparent water. Specially developed to mimic moving,
shallow water. Drying tim..
Brown-Green dense gel for swamp waters. To create a sense of depth,
apply the gel over a painted s..
The perfect product for recreating any type of
moving water effects from the bow wake of any vesse..
The perfect product for recreating any white
foam in water effects from the bow wake of any vessel..
Epoxy ResinEpoxy resin is a synthetic resin that can be used for many different types of art and cra..
A one-step gel with crystal transparency, squeeze this product straight from the bottle onto your di..
Transparent acrylic gel specially designed to replicate moving water,
waves, and splashes with a r..
Transparent acrylic gel specially designed to replicate moving water,
waves, and splashes with a r..
Transparent acrylic gel specially designed to replicate moving water,
waves, and splashes with a r..
Transparent acrylic gel specially designed to replicate moving water,
waves, and splashes with a r..