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Yellow Brown textured dry soil effect can be used to create the
accumulation of medium density dry..
Fresh Wet Ground textured enamel medium realistically recreates
surfaces with medium density mud a..
Acrylic Glossy Varnish formulated for maximum airbrush performance -.
Water soluble, odorless, ..
Acrylic Glossy Varnish formulated for maximum airbrush performance -.
Water soluble, odorless, ..
An alcohol-based paint with microparticles which catch light
reflections of various wave lengt..
Liquid FrostThis saline solution creates a whitish crystalline structure that simulates the effect o..
This waterbased Master Medium has a wide variety of uses when mixing with acrylic paint, such as inc..
Oxidizing agent activates the natural oxidization process of metals
generating porosities and natu..
With Spider Serum you will able to create a web of tangled plastic
filaments which will recrea..
The Spider Serum Cleaner will help you to eliminate any possible
remain of spider web plastic ..