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With this set you will have all necessary products used to recreate Mud
& Splashes effects for..
The essential weathering set for all types of space craft and mechas of all types and sizes.With thi..
Basic set to recreate weathering effects on robots, Mechas,
spaceships and any kind of Sci-Fi vehi..
Chameleon metal paints will create a colourshift visual effect depending on the viewing angle. Val..
Green Stuff World's range of Intensity Inks,
carefully formulated to flow into the cracks, creases..
Dipping ink semi-transparent paints help you to shade your figures
more quickly and easily over a ..
Dipping ink semi-transparent paints help you to shade your figures
more quickly and easily over a ..
Dipping ink semi-transparent paints help you to shade your figures
more quickly and easily over a ..
Dipping ink semi-transparent paints help you to shade your figures
more quickly and easily over a ..